Bill Discounting
We can arrange export Bills Discounting Limit being set for companies having export transactions at very attractive discount rates. Once the company exports the goods, the bills can be discounted once the accepted Bills, Bill of Lading, Packing List and Certificate of Origin is submitted to banks. The bank deducts the discount and remits the remaining amount to the company’s account. This is a cheaper source of working capital financing for companies as export financing are provided by banks at very attractive interest/discount rates.

External Commercial Borrowings
An External Commercial Borrowing (ECB) is an instrument to facilitate the access to foreign money by Indian corporations. Borrowers need to infuse 30% of their personal equity and the remaining 70% would be funded by the funder.
ECBs are generally granted for a term loan requirement (CAPEX). A client cannot refinance its existing rupee loan through ECB. The money raised through ECB is cheaper at LIBOR linked rates.
Both seed & brown projects are funded through this medium.

Foreign Currency Loans
We can arrange both Short term and Long term Foreign Currency Loans for Exporters. Interest Rates are LIBOR linked and since exporter will have receivables in foreign currency thereby nullifying the hedging risk as well. We arrange Foreign Currency loans for Term loan purposes, which reduces the cost of funds considerably.

Foreign Direct Investment
For expansion of existing companies or setting up of new company having high project cost requires a huge amount of equity capital. Equity issued to Indian players comes with its own pros and cons, one of it being higher profit expectation and lower gestation period. Foreign players provide funds at lower cost and can stand higher gestation period. We at Moksha are experts in arranging FDI for various sectors.