This is to inform everyone who are/wish to deal with Moksha Financial Services Private Limited (MFSPL), that MFSPL operates its business only at Indore and Mumbai locations with a partner office in New Delhi. “MFSPL” never have any branch and/or office and neither have any representatives at any other places except mentioned above. “MFSPL” is only a financial consultant and do not provide or give any credit facility or direct loans to anyone. “MFSPL” express its concern that some people who is representing themselves from the “MFSPL” and charging people/customers in Bihar, Jharkhand, etc. We express our concern that please do not respond to such calls or entertain such people and not to make any payment to them. Any payment made to such person shall not be liability of “MFSPL” and no claim of any such shall be entertained.
MFSPL holds the trademark and copyright of logo, company name, IPR and the content of site. Copying and mis-using the IPRs or copyright information of MFSPL is an offence and may be challenged as per the bye-laws of Indian panel courts and other regulatory Acts.